Close up of Faux Linen

yet is very effective for a background. It is also an article in the April issue of CS.
Choose the size of background card to which your faux linen will be adhered to.
Cut a piece of white tissue paper so it is approx 2 cm larger all round.
Stamp onto the tissue paper, you can either use black or a toning colour for your
project. I used script on one but the other I stamped randomly.
Make sure your ink is dry, heat to dry if necessary. put aside to prepare remainder of
your project. Check it is dry, if so, scrunch it up into a tight ball, loosen out but try not
to smooth too many creases. On your prepared piece of card, rub a glue stick all over.
Gently place your creased tissue paper on top, slip and slide it to create more creases.
When satisfied, cut off the excess at the edges.
You now need to complete your card, with your faux linen as a background.
I hope you enjoy playing with this for the ways you can use it are endless.